The Moonshine Sound Collective

Hello friends & music lovers! The Moonshine Sound Collective is back on February 8 at "de Tanker in Noord." 👏 We have a winter warming line-up in store for you. […]


de Tanker in Noord Nw Leeuwarderweg 15, Amsterdam

'All Strings Night' edities brengen per aflevering 18 verschillende vrij en akoestisch improviserende snaristen en vocalisten  uit alle generaties bijeen.  Zij spelen dan in 3 sets: 6 x trio, 3 x sextet […]


de Tanker in Noord Nw Leeuwarderweg 15, Amsterdam

Everything could go wrong, but it could also go OH SO RIGHT! An evening celebrating the art of momentarily creation. Jonathan Reisin & Marcus Wärnheim Two saxophonists meet as a […]


de Tanker in Noord Nw Leeuwarderweg 15, Amsterdam

 FLIPPERSNEURF Twee bands en een hele bak herrie! vanaf  20:00 Ticket prijs en link: €6,20 Links:

Love for Loud : The first fire / Elivra / Big Moth

de Tanker in Noord Nw Leeuwarderweg 15, Amsterdam

loveforloud concert THE FIRST FIRE brings you modern, emotional rock songs,driven by the energy of post-hardcore and metalcore.Founded in 2020 as a solo project, Nils Nitschke aka THE FIRST FIRE […]


de Tanker in Noord Nw Leeuwarderweg 15, Amsterdam

  INNEC is an Amsterdam-based quartet exploring new paths in music. With their name based on Wassily Kandinsky's concept of "Inner Necessity" they state their intention of striving for purity […]

Vinkenspreeuw en Milan Mes

de Tanker in Noord Nw Leeuwarderweg 15, Amsterdam

  Op 7 maart slaan Vinkenspreeuw en Milan Mes de handen in een en zullen zij spiksplinter nieuw materiaal ten gehore brengen in de Tanker in Noord in Amsterdam. Het […]


ĒTHĘR Ensemble is a musical and artistic project created by José Ángel Babiano in 2019 and made up of artists who met at Musikene, Donostia-San Sebastián. ĒTHĘR's artistic process encompasses interpretation, transcription […]


de Tanker in Noord Nw Leeuwarderweg 15, Amsterdam

    "Counterpoint" is a concert series where artists instincts and experimentations meet. A hotbed for un/harmonious interplay of sounds, visual art, thoughts and imagination, space, time, presence of body, […]


de Tanker in Noord Nw Leeuwarderweg 15, Amsterdam

EQUINOX PARADOX Cultural Mosaic. A festival dedicated to renewal. Artists of all ages join forces to inspire each other and everyone else. Live music, visuals, theatrics, DJ's, drinks and food, […]

Love for Loud : I ira Baccano & Fuzzard

de Tanker in Noord Nw Leeuwarderweg 15, Amsterdam

Loveforloud concert L'ira Del Baccano + support doomdelic instrumental space prog rock from Italy 10 euro ticketlink

Many Voices

de Tanker in Noord Nw Leeuwarderweg 15, Amsterdam

MANY VOICES LISTENING GATHERING Many Voices is a platform, a sound system, and a record label, releasing recordings across all realms of subversive music and experimental sound. It is dedicated […]