ĒTHĘR Ensemble is a musical and artistic project created by José Ángel Babiano in 2019 and made up of artists who met at Musikene, Donostia-San Sebastián. ĒTHĘR's artistic process encompasses interpretation, transcription […]


de Tanker in Noord Nw Leeuwarderweg 15, Amsterdam

    "Counterpoint" is a concert series where artists instincts and experimentations meet. A hotbed for un/harmonious interplay of sounds, visual art, thoughts and imagination, space, time, presence of body, […]


de Tanker in Noord Nw Leeuwarderweg 15, Amsterdam

EQUINOX PARADOX Cultural Mosaic. A festival dedicated to renewal. Artists of all ages join forces to inspire each other and everyone else. Live music, visuals, theatrics, DJ's, drinks and food, […]

de Tanker in Noord Nw Leeuwarderweg 15, Amsterdam

Loveforloud concert L'ira Del Baccano + support doomdelic instrumental space prog rock from Italy 10 euro ticketlink https://shop.ikbenaanwezig.nl/tickets/event/lira-del-baccano

Love for Loud: An Evening With Knives / Resurrect Tomorrow

de Tanker in Noord Nw Leeuwarderweg 15, Amsterdam

LoveforLoud Concert An Evening With Knives*Post metal, Psychedelic Rock, Stoner/Doom from Eindhoven Where the wall of sound falls down into a sea of tranquility. An Evening With Knives weaves an […]