Facilitated by Thalia Laric (dance) Manuela Lucia Tessi (dance), Vintani Nafassi (djembe, adungu, mbira, voice) Sumalgy Nuro (uhadi, mbira, percussions, electronics, dance) Coila-Leah Enderstein (piano).
Musically we bring our influences from South Africa and Mozambique, opening a unique dialogue with dance that embraces clarity, individuality, collectivity and difference. This workshop is for dancers and musicians who are interested in creating spontaneous compositions together based on the skill of interdisciplinary listening.
Starting from sound and movement research with a strong focus on musicality and phrasing, we look closely at the relationship between dancer and musician in composition. Refining improvisation technique and interdisciplinary listening we focus on creating dance and music pieces together in real-time. We are interested in how we can influence each other as artists through the choices we make in movement and sound, timing and space, stillness and silence.
MusicDance CapeTown was founded in 2018. The project brings together dancers and musicians from diverse backgrounds and promotes collaboration across disciplines and genres. The performance ensemble consists of 5 artists from South Africa, Mozambique and Italy/Netherlands that are at the moment touring Europe. The work draws on our diverse backgrounds from African and Western music and dance, with an interdisciplinary approach that synthesises traditional and contemporary performance.