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€ 8,00
16 March 2023 | 20:15 | €8 | De Tanker | Amsterdam
doors open at 19:30
The RIVER (creek version)
Lily Kiara: guitar, vocals
Felicity Provan: trumpet, vocals Michael Vatcher: drums, percussion Julyen Hamilton: poetry
Ron Ruiten: sound
Four members of The RIVER play together celebrating music, poetry, being able to come together and a birthday.
The RIVER is singer-songwriter Lily Kiara’s band in which she brings together three great loves: new folk songs, improvisations and poetry. In 2006, the band began by performing at the Amsterdam Literary Festival. In the years that followed The RIVER played with the full line-up of six musicians or with guests and sometimes in smaller formations. In 2015, the first CD The SWIM SESSIONS was released on Sibyl Sings, recorded during a live concert at the Bimhuis. https://lilykiara.nl/music/the-river/
“The RIVER is exceptional. Because of the combination of music genres that mingle and at the same time also don’t mingle, but mostly very harmoniously live besides each other so it feels as if they mingle.” (translation from Dutch) – Peter Bruyn in frnkfrt.net
you do not have to be a fire for
every mountain blocking you you could be a water
soft river your way to freedom too.
– options
nayyirah waheed, in salt
Video: https://vimeo.com/252857897
groepskorting | gropeskorting alleen bij 10 kaarten |
1022BN Amsterdam | kvk 58045732
Met de auto: parkeren ergen in de buurt van de 'Leeuwarderweg 76' (toets dit in op maps) achter de Gele Pomp en daar verder te voet over 1 van de twee fietsbruggen over de 'Nieuwe' Leeuwarderweg richting de Roze Tanker. Is ongeveer 3 minuten lopen.
Alleen laden en lossen via deze route
metro halte Noorderpark
Een plek midden in het Noorderpark waar een ieder welkom is kennis, kunst, kunde, lief en leed te delen.
Komt dat zien en kom het vooral doen. We houden het warm voor je met veel oud papier, liefdeswerk en de bontste verzameling vrijwilligers van heel Amsterdam-Noord!