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10 november 2024 |14:00 - 17:00
Aanvang 14:30
Doors: 14:00
Entree: Gratis
Data: 20, 27 Oktober
3, 10, 24 November
Welcome to the world of Tanker Stories; a magical and welcoming place where no one is shunned from entry; an enchanting palace of coziness where two worlds collide: the universe of improvised music, melting together with the milky way of storytelling. Ever since the dawn of man, tales have been shared and communicated through the visions of storytellers. For the purpose of entertainment or education – or simply just as a form of pastime and amusement. From the moment we are born we develop our personal qualities, morals and character through the exchange of stories, fairy tales, myths, legends, chronicles and epic tales. Stories – and storytelling – are an essential part of connection in our society. Also storytelling is one of the oldest and most primitive forms of transmission and interchange.
The same principles apply to music. Ever since humanity had developed the skill to slam something with the palm of their hand, there was music and rhythm. It is within us all. Try your best to imagine a world without music and stories/storytelling – difficult, isn’t it? Even the greatest thinkers with the most fantastical and imaginative minds would find this an impossible task.
Two storytellers, two sets of improvised music. First the storyteller will regale the audience with a tale and then the musicians will interpret – and transform – the story into music. Like this there will be communication through sounds and words. Respected and renovated musicians will join and envelop you in an extraordinary world of sound. Incredible performers and improvisers like Sanem Kalfa, Michael Vatcher, Nora Mulder, Miguel Petruccelli, Ada Rave and many more!
Come to the Tanker to witness a fusion of these two wonderful worlds; an amalgamation of space and time! Enjoy a warm atmosphere on a cosy Sunday afternoon where all visitors are welcome! There is no entry fee for these events because we believe storytelling and music should be shared with everyone. There will also be warm, homemade food for a very low price. The dates are:
For all dates the opening times are from 14:00 to 17:30. Musicians and storytellers will be announced at a later date per event.
Put it in your agenda and come and join the fun!
Mede mogelijk gemaakt door stadsdeel Amsterdam Noord