de Tanker in Noord Nw Leeuwarderweg 15, Amsterdam

Tickets online or at the door 12 euro Doors. 4 pm Apeshit. 4.30-5.10: Utrecht post punk https://youtu.be/JtlkwPpf__U?feature=shared Burn Kit 5.30-6.30 USA new wave punk https://youtu.be/sgqBxxQkp00?feature=shared Red Sun Atacama 7.00-8.15 pm: France desert stoner punk https://youtu.be/4JoUVMhDpcw?feature=shared

(the return of) nachtnetgat(tutti)

de Tanker in Noord Nw Leeuwarderweg 15, Amsterdam

doors 20:00 music 20:30 damage €9 or // + \\ if you’re feeling generous! (the return of) nachtnetgat(tutti) at De (Roze) Tanker (in Noord) Welcome to the grand return of NACHTNETGAT, a band initiated by Julie Kurris some 5 and/or 6 years ago which has been on hiatus till upcoming Monday 18 November, due to […]

Melissa B Bash

de Tanker in Noord Nw Leeuwarderweg 15, Amsterdam


de Tanker in Noord Nw Leeuwarderweg 15, Amsterdam

NIGHT OF THE THUNDERBIRDS A night of Wild, Psychedelic, Futuristic Rock n Roll. Several bands travel to this dimension to give you their rockinest music. METEOR!!! Starts 20:00 uur Tickets at door 10,- Euro

The Moonshine Sound Collective

Hello friends & music lovers! The Moonshine Sound Collective is back on February 8 at "de Tanker in Noord." 👏 We have a winter warming line-up in store for you. 🔥 Musically we'll focus on the rich melting pot of the Balkans this edition; but off course we'll be travelling beyond those borders as well […]


de Tanker in Noord Nw Leeuwarderweg 15, Amsterdam

'All Strings Night' edities brengen per aflevering 18 verschillende vrij en akoestisch improviserende snaristen en vocalisten  uit alle generaties bijeen.  Zij spelen dan in 3 sets: 6 x trio, 3 x sextet en een tutti set waarin per definitie eenmalige klankfantasieën het gehoor  zullen verbazen en verwonderen. vanaf 5 euro (wat je kan betalen )